its a fiasco.....

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Coming to an end

its hard to believe that 18 months has already passed and this thursday is my last official day of school/clinical. I submitted an application today to one local hospital that has a full time position open and tomorrow there is a per diem job being posted for where I am doing my clinical... my self and the other student there now are strongly encouraged to apply, guess we are good candidates since we have both been there for the past 5 months and they know us and how we scan. Obviously that is my first choice since I am comfortable there but per diem is like being on its not steady although its more money cause it is call. I know a couple of the per diem girls there have steady it could all work out. Plus one of the techs is pregnant and didnt have a great first pregnancy so I think her position will kind of open up when she goes on maternity leave.
wish me luck!

Happy Father's day to all the dads out there. I am wiped and off to bed....more to come hopefully later in the week.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

isn't it ironic

that i was talking about having to look for another job and Tuesday I got into work and have an email waiting from me from the director (CW) saying that things are winding down and Friday (yes that Friday the 16Th) would be my last day there. I felt like I had been sucker punched to say the least. A freakin email is how I was told after 9.5 years there. an email giving me 4 days notice. How professional is that?!? I wish I can say I am surprised but I am not. So Tuesday night I packed all my personal stuff that was there, applied online for unemployment (which hopefully will be enough so that I can finish my clinical and not have to worry about getting another job for 4 months) and left out the back. needless to say I was a tad upset.
Well you can bet your ass I didn't go in on Wednesday or Thursday (wasn't going anyway cause it was my dads birthday) and Friday I went in (he actually expected me to work a full day!) cleaned off my computer, turned in my keys and parking pass and left. Said bye to like 3 people and that was it. I passed CW and he was all cheery and smiles and said HEY! to me. I just glared said Hi and kept walking. I know this is a blessing in disguise but it still hurts. And I know that there is still work to be done and there is no way they will have it finished when he wants it all done. ....but not my problem anymore. I do feel bad for my coworkers this year there has been especially bad. I see lots of turn over in the very near future.

Aside from dealing with the above I have a head cold....always fun coupled with an allergic reaction to the antibiotic the dermatologist gave me....LOVELY. R left for Chicago on Thursday for NCAAs and he bought me a dozen beautiful roses. He said because I okayed his trip and because I had a rough week. total shock and so so sweet.

My dad was so surprised when my aunt and uncle walked into the house on Wednesday night. His face was priceless. They are on their way to the airport now, hopefully their flight will get out on time. It was a very nice visit. My in laws were suppose to fly to Curacao yesterday morning their flight got only flies out on Saturdays. I feel bad cause they had this vacation planned and they are stuck in NJ still.
I should probably go attempt to shovel some more (its basically all ice and a PIA so it slow going for me.) the girls cant even make snow angel's or snowmen because its all frozen over. oh well.

enough babble for now.

~stay warm

Saturday, March 10, 2007

and yet again time goes by quickly

the first 5 weeks of my clinical are finished and things are going great. I am loving it. Damn good thing too considering all the time and money that has been put into it. My supervisor did my evaluation and gave me great scores which makes me happy. Hopefully something will open up in the department so that I can just stay. Its so close to home and I really like the people....and its close to home.
Girls are doing well. Finally healthy, I think. K is over her pneumonia and they are both over whatever viral thing they had. The weather is starting to get warm again, I just hope this doesn't mean more illness. L was complaining about her ear tonight...hopefully its nothing. We should own stock in antibiotics and CVS. Glad we can fund our pediatricians vacation home and country club memberships.
I need to figure out another job for the next 4 months cause really once we mail letters there will be no need for me to go in after my clinical to get things entered. And I can't not work, that just isn't possible, which blows. But I really don't know what I could do to make the money. R said to be a bartender (it would take me longer then that to learn things). I was thinking maybe Kohl's or something like that so i can do evenings or weekends.
R is LOVING the new job. which is good cause it has made a huge difference around the house. with us and the girls. He is in a much much better place. I look forward to when I am too (halfway there....). He is going to Chicago for the NCAA first rounds this week. I found them some kick ass airfare (patting self on back) so that helps.
My aunt and uncle are coming up from Florida on Wednesday. I haven't seen them since K was 10 months old. My uncle hasn't been up to NJ since my wedding 5 years ago, cant remember the last time my aunt was up. My dad has no idea they are coming which is great! His birthday is Thursday so this is a surprise for him (its his brother). I am excited for L to finally meet them.
And that is all I have to say for tonight. I think I need to go to bed. Don't forget to change those clocks!

~peace out

Monday, January 22, 2007

apparently i have been tagged

by so I need to tell 5 things that you'll might not know about me. There is plenty I am sure so lets see....

1. I am participating in a triathlon in July with R. and really looking forward to it since its my first one. This hopefully will give me the motiviation I need to get back into shape and lose some weight.

2. We had the baby talk this past weekend while out to dinner (for our anniversary). Both of us would love more children but know that the timing right now is not good (school, new jobs, salary cuts...for now). So who knows what will happen in 2 or 3 years......or we may just adopt at that time.

3. I am in a lesbian wedding in October and wearing this dress in the eruo wine . Its going to be intersting....but alot of fun. It will also be my first trip to Long Island..ever.

4. Stupid fun facts.... General Robert E Lee is my 5th great uncle on my Father's side of the family. He is also a direct descendent of Hans Herr was abishop of the Mennonite faith. He grew up on a farm in Williamsport PA and went to a one room school house. I love hearing stories about him growing up.

5. I am very nervous about starting out on my full time clinical on the 5th. but super excited about it all. 6 more classes to go!!!!!!

and that is all I cant tag anyone cause anyone that I would Karen already did....oh well.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Time is flying

I have 8 weeks left of night classes. WOHOOOO! then I have the 5 months of my full time externship/clinical and I will be done. of course until I sit for my boards. Hard to believe its almost over but I am so ready for it to be. The drive and late nights its definitely starting to take its toll and not just on me.

R is on his own now at work and can start working OT jobs which will be great! cause we are going to need the extra money. Work here is going alright, I will be sad to leave some of hte people but not all. and since I am slowly phasing myself out its not like a cold turkey quit. Plus my direct boss is out of here as of May, so that makes it even better that I am out of here.

I am so excited for christmas this year! The girls are too. I love driving home at night with them looking at all the christmas lights, they love it too...its a great distraction if they are into bothering each other. Which seems to be more often then not lately, but when they want to get along they are sooooooo great together. and I am loving listening to christmas music. K was playing the other day singing Jingle Bells to herself, she was cracking me up!

I say with caution that we are finally getting healthy. K has been hit the worst, I think cause of starting school. L has gotten some of it but not nearly as bad. The week of Thanksgiving (which was sooooooo good....I got my moms cooking so I am a happy camper) K had pink eye in both eyes and an asthma related cough and just general cold symptoms. L's nose has been like a faucet, and we thought she was getting an ear infection after yet another trip to the drs, it wasnt. we got nothing, but instructions to give her motrin or tylenol and keep an eye on her. thanks doc!

Anyways, I should probably get back to work or at least make it look like I am working.


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Another week

This past week has been lets say hellish. It all started last Saturday when we got a phone call from Rs best friends wife.....telling me his grandfather had passed away that morning. This is someone who has been like a grandfather to R, and a surrogate great grandfather to the girls. He was 88 years old and had been suffering from cancer for a while. We found out in June that they weren't going to give him any further treatment and to let him enjoy the things he loved... like his Manhattan drinks. We last saw them at his great granddaughters christening in August. It sucks that life gets so busy. I know R wanted to stop over a few times while on duty but it would of been after grandpop was already in bed.
My mom informed that one of her best friends (my brother and I basically grew up over her house) who was being treated for breast cancer and was responding well to treatment...had recently learned that the cancer spread to her lungs. and her daughter (that is my brothers age...35 almost 36) found a lump in her breast that they probably wouldn't of found if her mom wasn't going through all this...cause they recommend a baseline mammo at 40. So now my mom wants me to get mine done ASAP, given her history. not really looking forward to getting the boobies squished, but it has to be done.

Now onto happier is going well have my final tomorrow for this past mod. Shouldn't be too hard, and really I should be studying for it right now but obviously am not. The girls are doing fantastic. L cracks me up the things that she says are priceless....that other night I told her its a good thing she is so cute, her reply I not cute I big girl! she drew on Ks new furniture and door with and orange crayon today....thank god for the magic eraser (best invention ever!) K is growing up too damn fast, there is a huge difference in her vocabulary since she has been in school and she is doing really well there. Then you have days like today where the sassiness level was so high that I couldn't wait until bed time.

ok I think that is long enough for now, and I think need to go to bed I'll study at work tomorrow (not like there is anything going on there yet anyway..... I cannot wait to be done there!)

nighty night

Thursday, August 31, 2006

I have been inspired

to blog. I always have the intent to do it but dont for whatever reason. lazy i suppose.

So, R finished the trialthalon and did well for his first time. I might actually do it with him next summer. Its a good reason to get back into shape and to compete again. Plus its practically in our backyard so why not. The girls enjoyed themselves, RadioDisney was there doing games and stuff. K acutally won a game thingy.....we were like um what did you do with our shy child?!? It was so fun.

School is going really well. hard to believe we are already finishing our 2nd week in this mod. Time is flying which is good cause that means I will be done with the classroom stuff soon. Then starts the 5 months of my clinical 4 days a week ( I may stay like an extra hour or 2 each day so that I can be done earlier.....which means I can get out in the field and get a job that much sooner!) but we shall see how that all goes with childcare and R's work schedule.

Speaking of which his new job is going great! he actually likes going to work everyday that he is on duty and is enjoying it again, which I couldnt be happier about. yeah its more dangerous but hey that is why you go into the field right to be in the thick of it rather then dealing with domistics or lock outs....feck in the new department they doent even handle most of that stuff.

(I started this on Aug. 31st.....) will post and start fresh :)